Mary Kay Ash knew word of mouth was a powerful tool– it helped her create Mary Kay Inc. and later was influential in establishing the Mary Kay Ash Foundation after countless testimonies of sales force members being affected by cancer and later domestic violence.

Still striving to live and learn by her example today, the Mary Kay Ash Foundation Ambassador program was created to instill the power of a single voice – advocating for something meaningful – into driving change and making a positive impact.


Mary Kay Ash Foundation Ambassadors are essential to spreading awareness, raising funds, hosting events, and building a community that supports the life-saving work of the Foundation’s two-fold mission to eliminate cancers affecting women and end domestic violence.

Ambassadors find meaningful ways to further the mission of the Foundation through volunteerism, fundraising, engaging on social media, sharing with their family, friends, and community and more!

MKAF Ambassador Perks:

  • Quarterly Ambassador e-Newsletter
  • Early access and discounted registration to Foundation events
  • Invitation to attend special recognition reception at Seminar and Leadership Conference*
  • Special Recognition Lapel Pin**
  • Opportunity to be featured on MKAF social channels***

Submit the form below to get started!

Already an Ambassador but still have questions? Check out our Ambassador FAQs or email us at [email protected].

 *Invitation is closed to Mary Kay Independent Sales Force members only who have met the $200 fundraising requirements. Seminar invitees must meet requirement by the previous Seminar year ending June 30; Leadership attendees must meet the requirement by June 30 of the previous year OR November 1 of current year. Invitations are issued based on current Mary Kay consultant number. Ambassadors are responsible for notifying the Foundation of any changes to personal information, including consultant numbers. Email [email protected] with your updates.

**Lapel pin is mailed after an Ambassador has donated AND/OR fundraised $200 for the Foundation for the first time starting July 1, 2024. (Not sure what counts towards your fundraising total? Check out this handy guide.)
***Content featured is at MKAF’s discretion and not guaranteed.