Mary Kay Ash Foundation Ambassador Survey

Interested in becoming a Mary Kay Ash Foundation Ambassador?
Complete the survey below to sign up and receive exclusive MKAF Ambassador-related content, invitations to recognition events*, social content and more.

Mary Kay Ash Foundation Ambassadors are essential to spreading awareness, raising funds, hosting events, and building a community that supports the life-saving work of the Foundation’s two-fold mission to eliminate cancers affecting women and end domestic violence.

What exclusive perks does an MKAF Ambassador receive?

  • Quarterly Ambassador e-Newsletter
  • Early access and discounted registration to Foundation events
  • Invitation to attend special recognition reception at Seminar and Leadership Conference*
  • Special Recognition Lapel Pin**
  • Opportunity to be featured on MKAF social channels***

*Invitation is closed to Mary Kay Independent Sales Force members only who have met the $200 fundraising requirements.
Seminar invitees must meet requirement by the previous Seminar year ending June 30; Leadership attendees must meet the requirement by June 30 of the previous year OR November 1 of current year. Invitations are issued based on current Mary Kay consultant number. Ambassadors are responsible for notifying the Foundation of any changes to personal information, including consultant numbers. Email [email protected] with your updates.

**Lapel pin is mailed after an Ambassador has donated AND/OR fundraised $200 for the Foundation for the first time starting July 1. (Not sure what counts towards your fundraising total? Check out this handy guide.)
***Content featured is at MKAF’s discretion and not guaranteed.